car rescue M1
Did your car break down in or around Tata , or do you want to get to Tata? Call the Tata ambulance and we will help you.
Call our center, the Tatabánya car ambulance , and we will help you if your car breaks down in the area or you want to get back here with it.
Our ambulance will immediately come to your aid in and around Vértesszőlős, call us with confidence. with a technical fault or an accident to the requested destination.
Our car ambulance immediately comes to your aid in and around Zsámbék, call us with confidence. with a technical fault or an accident to the requested destination.
Car rescue and towing services are very important when our car breaks down or has an accident on the road.
Mobil Teher Tire Service
Our mobile tire service is fully equipped and ready 24 hours a day. If you are in trouble, we will help you immediately.
+36 30 256 8380
Our Teher Mobil tire service is at the service of the big irons, we undertake the on-site tire replacement and puncture repair of trucks, lorries, work machines, tractors, trailers
With great expertise and many years of experience, we undertake the on-site, mobile tire change, tire change, and wheel change of vans, heavy trucks, trucks, semi-trailers, trailers, tractors, agricultural and work machines.
Our prices, savings, with immediate departure:
Truck up to 7.5 tons puncture repair or installation on site HUF 40,000+VAT Truck 7.5-12 tons on-site puncture repair or installation HUF 50,000+VAT Truck over 12 tons, Bus, Truck, on-site puncture repair, etc. s. HUF 60,000+VAT Work machine, puncture repair or installation HUF 40,000+VAT Disembarkation fee, from location to return location. HUF 350+VAT/km Our prices are valid during working hours, on working days from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., extra charge beyond that 30% Night surcharge from 20:00 to 08:00 50% Our service areas:
Tatabánya, Vértesszőlős, Tata, Kocs, Mocsa, Nagyigmánd, Kisigmánd, Komárom, Bábolna, Ács, Nagyszentjános, Oroszlány, Tarján, Yermely, Almásfüzító, Neszmély, Labatlan, Esztergom, Dorog, Tat, Nagysáp, Sárisáp, Héreg, Zsámbék, Bicske, Biatorbágy, Herceghalom, Környe, Bokod, Kisbér, Óbarok, Szárliget, Szár, Mány, Páty, Csabdi, Tök, Perbál, Tinnye, Felcsut, Alcsutdoboz, Csákvár.
Frank Auto ambulance, your reliable car ambulance!
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